Expressions of Interest

If you’re an individual or organisation seeking funding from the Lindsay Foundation, please review our mission statement to ensure your request fits our overall aims and objectives before applying.


Step 1 – Applicant Details

The Lindsay Foundation offers grants for organisations in the following categories, please select yours *
Name of organisation:
Are you a registered charity?
if yes, please enter your CC number
Postal Address (if different)
Phone Number
Email Address
Mobile Number

Step 2 – Additional Details

Funding needs for the project *
How much are you seeking
Mission Statement *
Tell us what your organisation stands for and how completing this project/ activity will support those beliefs
Grant Purpose *
Please provide a complete description of the proposal your organisation is requesting funding for and how this aligns with the Lindsay Foundation’s mission of helping Kiwis make a positive difference in New Zealand.
Project Outline *
Include timelines and implementation schedule, what your organisation hopes to achieve and how it plans to measure and communicate the results
Management team *
Please outline your management team and any others who would be involved with this project/ activity

Step 3 – Other Funding

Is the Lindsay Foundation the only funding organisation you have applied to for the same purpose? *
If no, please provide details of current funders you have applied to for the same purpose
What level of funder would the Lindsay Foundation be? *
Please provide details of past funders?
How much money have you raised for this project outside of this application? *
How much more funding do you need to raise to complete the project excluding this application’s value? *